Publication Scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the Public Trustee. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information. 

By actively supporting the Queensland Governments right to information initiative, we hope to improve the public understanding of the vital role the Public Trustee plays in an accessible justice system and a safe, supportive society. Information is grouped and accessible through seven classes:

Some documents listed in the publications scheme are currently only available in PDF file format. Should you have difficulty accessing this information please contact:

The RTI/IP Contact Officer
Governance & Risk Directorate
The Public Trustee (Queensland)
GPO Box 1449
Brisbane Qld 4001
Telephone:         (07) 3564 2103

who will endeavour to meet any reasonable request for an alternate version of the document without charge.


You have the right to complain if information in our publication scheme is not available. If you wish to complain about the availability of information under our publication scheme you can lodge a complaint by:

The Public Trustee places a high value on feedback from clients and has a formal policy for dealing with concerns and complaints – see our complaint management policy (PDF, 160 KB).

Any personal information you provide when making a complaint, including email addresses, will be collected for addressing your complaint about the publication scheme. This is in accordance with the Ministerial Guidelines for the Operation of Publications Scheme and Disclosure Logs issued in 2013.  The guidelines are published by the Minister under section 78B(1) of the Right to Information Act 2009 and are available at the Queensland Government Right to Information website.

Your complaint may be referred to the appropriate business units or regions for them to respond to you. Please also note you can make an anonymous complaint under our complaint management policy.


Last published: 15/02/2022 3:16:31 AM