Where there’s a Will, there’s a way!

Making a Will for the first time tends to be something many people just put on the list for later. However, sometimes it’s those big life changes, like the arrival of your first bundle of joy, that kicks your advance life planning into gear.

This is exactly what happened to South African ex-pats Jamie and Pieter Kleinhans, who came into our Cairns office soon after their son was born. Only eight weeks after Eon’s arrival, Jamie and Pieter were determined to get their Wills organised quickly to safeguard his future.

“Making our Will was an easy, reassuring process and now we feel confident he will be taken care of if anything ever happens to us,” said Pieter.

On arrival, Jamie and Pieter were met by our friendly Will makers, who strive to make the process as simple as possible, especially for those making a Will for the first time.

Like Jamie and Pieter, if you’ve decided now is the time to get your Will organised, we encourage you to arrange an appointment with a solicitor or contact Queensland Public Trustee.

By making a Will you can make sure that your wishes are heard, both for your peace of mind, and for the people and causes close to your heart.

Last published: 2/04/2024 4:47:50 AM